My Organic Journey with I Say Organic: A Taste of Health and Sustainability

As someone who prioritizes health and sustainability in my lifestyle choices, discovering I Say Organic has been a game-changer. This social enterprise embodies everything I value – from providing safe, toxin-free food to supporting farmers committed to organic and sustainable practices.

I first stumbled upon I Say Organic in my quest for quality, chemical-free food options. Their ethos resonated deeply with me: a world where organic and sustainable farming is the norm, where the health of consumers, farmers, and the planet takes precedence over profits. It's a vision that speaks to the heart of what food should be – nourishing, ethical, and environmentally conscious.

Organic Vanilla Cocoa Cookies

What struck me about I Say Organic is not just their vision, but their commitment to realizing it. Since March 2012, they've been delivering fresh, organic, and sustainably produced goods all across Delhi. Their dedication to sourcing products from 13 different states ensures a diverse range of offerings while supporting farmers nationwide.

Banana Cookies

One of the highlights of my experience with I Say Organic has been the sheer variety of products they offer – over 300 and counting! Each product falls into one of two categories: certified organic or sustainably produced. Whether it's the assurance of 95% organic ingredients or the commitment to chemical-free agriculture practices, I know I'm making a conscientious choice with every purchase.

Crispy Almond Cookies

Let me share some of the treasures I've discovered through I Say Organic:

Shikanji Concentrate

This refreshing blend of mint, khandsari, black pepper, and lemon is a nostalgic trip to summers at Grandma's. Not only does it evoke memories, but it also aids digestion and boosts immunity – a win-win!

Shikanji Concentrate

Tomato Ketchup

Who knew ketchup could be both delicious and nutritious? Made from certified organic tomatoes and free from preservatives and artificial additives, it's a guilt-free addition to any meal.

Tomato Ketchup

Choco Almond Cookies

Indulgence meets wholesomeness in these decadent treats. Loaded with coconut oil, cocoa, almond butter, and whole wheat flour, they're a delightful snack that nourishes body and soul.

Choco Almond Cookies

Sweet Lemon Pickle

A taste of grandma's kitchen, this sweet and tangy pickle adds a burst of flavor to any dish. Pair it with parathas, poha, or pulao for a culinary delight.

Sweet Lemon Pickle

Strawberry Jam

This berry-licious preserve is a breakfast staple in my home. With just the right balance of sweetness and rich fruit flavors, it elevates everything from cereal to sandwiches.

Strawberry Jam

With each product I've tried, I've been impressed not only by the quality and taste but also by the integrity behind it. Knowing that I'm supporting small-scale farmers committed to sustainable practices adds an extra layer of satisfaction to every bite.

In a world where convenience often trumps conscience, I Say Organic stands out as a beacon of hope. They remind us that we have the power to shape a better future through the choices we make every day – starting with what we put on our plates.

So here's to I Say Organic – a partner in my journey towards a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle. With each purchase, I'm not just buying groceries; I'm investing in a vision of a better world, one delicious bite at a time.

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  1. I Say Organic, have such a delectable range of products. The beauty is that the products seem to be straight from the kitchens of grandmothers and have a homely feel. From pickles to jams to cookies, they seem to wrap the goodness of taste, health, and homeliness. Sandy N Vyjay

    1. Sandy, thank you so much for your wonderful comment! I completely agree with you – I Say Organic does indeed offer a delightful array of products that evoke a sense of nostalgia and homeliness. It's like they've captured the essence of traditional recipes passed down through generations. From pickles to jams to cookies, each item feels like a comforting taste of home. So glad you appreciate their goodness too!

  2. Bedabrata ChakrabortySunday, May 12, 2024 1:40:00 PM

    Great read! Your organic journey is inspiring. It's refreshing to see someone embracing a healthier lifestyle. Your experience with I Say Organic motivates me to make more mindful choices. Keep sharing your journey!

    1. Thanks, Bedabrata! I'm thrilled to hear that you found my organic journey inspiring. It's always encouraging to know that sharing my experiences can motivate others to make healthier choices too. Let's keep supporting each other on this mindful path!

  3. I am really eger to try this organic tomato ketchup . I really hate the fact that regular ones have loads of preservatives and bad for health

    1. I'm so glad you're excited to try the tomato ketchup from I Say Organic! It's really disheartening how many preservatives and unhealthy additives are lurking in conventional options. With this ketchup, you can enjoy that classic taste without worrying about what you're putting into your body. Hope you love it as much as I do!

  4. When I read I say organic for the first time, I thought you are also growing your own vegetables and all. As I read on to discover that it is a brand, I go the feeling that it is a great brand name. Along with that, it has great range of products. From cookies to pickles and from Jams to shikanji. It looks like the brand has done a great job. Now, India is reading the labels before buying the products, organic products are going to find their place on the shelf of the kitchen easily.

    1. Thanks for reading my blog post, Paresh! I can see how the name "I Say Organic" might make you think I'm growing my own veggies! It's indeed a great brand with an impressive range of products, from cookies to pickles, and jams to shikanji. They really have done a fantastic job. It's great to see more people in India reading labels and opting for organic products. Here's to healthier choices making their way into our kitchens!

  5. The products from I Say Organic gives so much homely and nostalgic feel, the variety of items including pickles, jams, and cookies, all embodying taste, health, and comfort. Thanks a lot for sharing this.

    1. Thank you so much, Ruchi! I'm glad to hear you felt the same way about I Say Organic's products. They really do capture that homely, nostalgic vibe, don't they? I'm happy you enjoyed the variety and appreciated their focus on taste, health, and comfort. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts!

  6. Wonderful read! Your journey towards organic living is truly inspiring. It's invigorating to witness someone adopt a healthier way of life. Your experiences with I Say Organic have inspired me to pursue more conscious choices. Please continue to share your story!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Dipika! I'm thrilled to hear that my journey and experiences with I Say Organic have inspired you. It's always encouraging to know that sharing my story can motivate others to make more conscious and healthier choices. I will definitely continue to share my adventures and insights on organic living. Your support means a lot to me!

  7. Great! All the products seems to be interesting and healthy but I am really interested in the jam. Good to see that people are moving towards organic food options.

    1. Thanks so much for reading my blog post, Aditi! I'm glad you found the products interesting and healthy. The jam from I Say Organic is indeed a standout—it's packed with natural flavors and made without any artificial preservatives, which makes it a great choice for a healthier lifestyle. It's wonderful to see more people, like you, getting excited about organic food options. Have you tried any organic jams before? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

  8. I am thinking to go vegan for sometime to improve the health of my gut and trying to eat clean diet. This brand have fantastic organic food collection to start with. Thanks for recommending. - Amy

    1. Hi Amy! That sounds like a fantastic idea! Going vegan can do wonders for gut health and overall well-being. I'm glad you found the organic food collection helpful—it's a great starting point for a clean, plant-based diet. Best of luck on your journey, and feel free to share your experiences and any tips you discover along the way! 🌱✨

  9. I love organic food stuff as i believe that organically grown food offers unparalleled freshness and flavor, ensuring a healthier choice for you and the environment. Each bite of organically grown food is a testament to sustainable farming practices that prioritize quality and ecological balance. Will definitely try out this brand.
    Ranjeeta Nath Ghai

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Ranjeeta!

      It's wonderful to know that you appreciate the freshness and flavor that organically grown food provides. Indeed, the commitment to sustainable farming practices not only enhances the quality of the food but also supports the health of our planet.

      Thrilled to know you're considering trying out the I Say Organic brand. Hope you enjoy the exceptional taste and benefits of their organic products.

  10. They sure have a lot of products. The cookie collection is quite extensive. I would like to try the pickle and the tomato ketchup. And maybe a box of choco almond cookies.

    1. Hey Ambica,

      Thanks for checking out my new post on I Say Organic!

      I totally agree, their selection is amazing, especially the cookies. Let me know what you think if you end up trying them!

  11. As i grow older, the more I realise how important the quality of food we consume is important. It's not about finding what's within the hype but how could these food affect our body in the long run. It was a great find for you to be able to get your hands on these products. - MommyWithAGoal

    1. Couldn't agree more! I definitely feel the same way about food choices now. It's refreshing to find a brand like I Say Organic that focuses on quality ingredients.

      I'm excited to keep trying more of their products!

  12. Great insights! Your journey with I Say Organic truly highlights the benefits of choosing health and sustainability. Inspiring and informative read!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm thrilled to hear that you found the post both inspiring and informative. It's been a rewarding experience to share my journey with I Say Organic, and I'm glad it resonated with you. Choosing health and sustainability is a path worth taking, and I'm grateful for the support from readers like you. Thanks again for your encouragement!


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